Tuesday, February 15, 2011

All Good Things Must End

Well, dear readers: We have been at home since Thursday of last week and have been enjoying some family time. I have made the (not so) difficult decision not to go back out on the road with Mr. Trucker. There are a variety of reasons behind this decision and I will not bore you with them.

I am just sorry to disappoint those of you who look forward to my strange little musings.

Mr. Trucker heads back out tomorrow without me and he is very sad. I have mixed feelings, as I will miss him, but will really not miss living in the truck and having migraines on an almost daily basis.

I have already secured a job three days a week and will start in early March. My first order of business is to get our taxes and other paperwork in order and go to St. Paul and visit Sassy and all the cats for a few days.

It has been a pleasure sharing our interesting adventure with you!

Mrs. Trucker


  1. awww, shucks.... it was just like sitting around the old radio in the 40's waiting for the Green Lantern to come on, or something like that......

  2. Aw Shucks!!! I will really miss you! I love your posts. On the way back from Madison, WI the week between Christmas and New Years I craned my neck to see if it was Mr. Trucker as we passed a blue truck like yours. It wasn't! We were on our way back to Missouri. I absolutely love your knit cap in your photo with Sassy, Even the Best Laid Plans... Wed. Jan. 12-2011. I would love one in the exact same shade of yellow!!! Pleezzzz. You will miss Mr. Trucker but will not get seasick on the road! You are so fun!!

  3. It's my first night without Mrs. T and my bunk heater went on the fritz. Now I have no wife to keep me warm tonight. :-(

    Mr. T

  4. Mr. Trucker's fatherFebruary 17, 2011 at 5:25 PM

    Mrs. Trucker, your blog has brought joy to many of us followers of your most informative and interesting blog. I would like to encourage you to keep us posted of your new experiences like CrazyAuntPurl at least once a week. And in between have Mr. Trucker keep us posted as to his where abouts. Many of us look forward to your new adventures. Tell us what is happening in the twin cities.

  5. I will miss this blog. I am sad for Mr. Trucker. Mrs. Trucker, when can we get together?

  6. You dont have to stop your blog. I too am a truckers wife. I keep many postings for my husband, and am going to start putting up video letters to him. He doesnt ever talk on the blog, but we talk about the things I write to him. Its a neat way to stay in touch and it includes others to come along for the ride. I dont have any followers on my trucker blog yet, but I do have people who read it quite a bit and they get in touch with me.
    Anyway, I just wanted to say, that you dont have to stop. I hope you keep posting...

  7. Hi Feora's Fire,

    I believe Mrs. T plans to continue the blog. She is currently visiting her daughter in St. Paul and has no computer or internet access.

    Mr. T

  8. Mr. and Mrs. T,
    thanks for sharing. This has been a fun ride.
    Bro. Paul (NOT Bohpal).

  9. I guess your visist to Bakersfield is on hold?
