Monday, November 29, 2010

Oops. Technical Difficulties

Apparently I posted my Happy Thanksgiving post twice. Sorry about that. We are having a nice time at Mr. Trucker's parents' place.

Our truck, parked for the interim. This is where the adventure
began, two months ago. 

This is part of my Mother-in-law's bird feeding
station. It sure is pretty with all the snow.

Mr. Trucker did a little relaxing...

Mr. Trucker, nephew Ben, and Jingles, the dog
indulged in a little risky behavior...

Living on the edge. The lake BARELY has a crust of ice at
its borders. Fortunately, it was only about a foot deep there.

And otherwise enjoying family...

That's nephew Ben, on the left, and Father-in-law, Jerry
on the right, with a mouse pad we picked up at the
Ben & Jerry's factory tour in Vermont.

BTW, do you ever check out the links on the right side of my blog page? You should! The first two are blogs I've followed and enjoy very much. Crazy Aunt Purl can always be counted on to make me laugh. And the Pioneer Woman has a top-notch website with all kinds of fascinating commentary, tips and recipes, and fabulous photography. Roth Shirt Co is my brother, Ed's Tshirt company, and well worth a look. The Adventures of Anthyllide is written by the son and daughter-in-law of some neighbors of Mr. Trucker's parents. This young couple is REALLY living the dream, sailing around the world and living on their boat. The final link (so far) was suggested to me by my dental hygienist, Nancy, when I had my teeth cleaned last week in Green Bay. The blog author of Florida Backroads is Nancy's brother, Mike, and it is also a very well written and fascinating blog.  Anyway, check out one or more of these links when you have time.

Well, we'll be back on the road in another 24-48 hours or so, and then I'll resume regular posts.  See ya!

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